Jack Delroy, a fictional ’70s talk show host played by rising horror star (and Chicago native) David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad, Oppenheimer), is in trouble. Jack and his show Night Owls were once the biggest names in late night. But now, with his personal life marred by tragedy and his ratings in free fall, he’s… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Chicago International Film Festival
Chicago Film Festival After Dark Lineup
From the Chicago International Film Festival, currently in progress: We’re thrilled to announce the lineup for After Dark! Plunge into paranoia, witchcraft, and soul-wrenching stand-up comedy with our lineup of horror and flinch-inducing fringe films! Featuring eight full-lengths from the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, India, and Japan, and a shorts program from Austria, Romania, UK, Mexico, and South… Read more »