24 Hour Horror Movie Marathon
SAT, OCT 13 – SUN, OCT 14
Saturday, October 13th at Noon (doors open at 11am)
Welcome back maniacs! This year’s MUSIC BOX OF HORRORS promises to obliterate your sanity as we journey to the land of Australia for some skin-melting-goop-debauchery, revel in the gleeful delight of two of horrors greatest villains battling to the death, crash land into a hellscape of vamp-infused alien invasion, a sadistic desert-commune living cult leader cum magician, a tale of two sisters and the primate that tears them apart, and oh so much more! Special guest Don Mancini to come out for a 30th anniversary screening of CHILD’S PLAY.
Before September 1st – $25
September 1st-October 13th – $30
Day Of – $35
Tickets and more information at
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