6th Annual Zombie Pinups Beauty Pageant at Flashback Weekend!
The 2012 Zombie Pinup Beauty Pageant Winners with host John LaFlamboy and judges Jim Sorfleet, Bonnie Bones, Mitch Wells, Kitty Zombie and Ron Fitzgerald
Flashback Weekend, Chad Savage and ZombiePinups.com are pleased to announce the Sixth Annual Flashback Weekend Zombie Pinup Beauty Pageant!
On Saturday August 10 at 5:05 pm put on your sexiest classic pinup outfit and your most gruesome zombie make up, and compete to win the coveted title of Miss Zombie Queen 2013! The Pageant will be hosted by John LaFlamboy, judged by several of our Celebrity Guests including Face Off Season 4 Champion J. Anthony Kosar and others TBA, and awarded fabulous prizes for First, Second & Third Place.
Judging will be based on quality of make up / effects, costume and adherence to the spirit of the classic pinup image. All contestants will be photographed for a special gallery at ZombiePinups.com; winners will, of course, get optimal placement. To get an idea of what we're looking for, visit the gallery at ZombiePinups.com, and start planning your character NOW!
This event is sponsored by Sinister Visions inc.
THERE IS NO PRE-REGISTRATION: Contestants should start assembling outside of the room in which the event will be held (it'll be in the program at the show) 30 minutes prior to the event. Chad Savage will be there to direct you as necessary.
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